Tuesday, 2014-11-18

--- Log opened Tue Nov 18 00:00:30 2014
-!- sukuba [~HELLth@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]05:46
-!- [TA] [~HELLth@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv05:48
-!- dj-bobr [~dj-bobr@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]07:03
-!- [TA] [~HELLth@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]08:28
-!- [TA] [~HELLth@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv09:19
neoArchLinux ma LTS? ... wow ...10:53
neoPena, ze by se dala krajet... to chces..13:43
-!- next_ghost [~next_ghos@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv17:18
neoaaaa.... debilni google... proc!17:19
-!- revenge [~quar@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv17:51
neomiluju .ssh/config ...18:57
* neo detach18:57
-!- revenge [~quar@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1]19:12
-!- kokotos123 [~webchat@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv20:00
-!- kokotos123 [~webchat@irc.pirati.cz] has left #chliv []20:00
@blondieŽádost o schválení výdaje PO : Podatelna republikového předsednictva21:07
klipškoleníčko https://forum.pirati.cz/podatelna-republikoveho-predsednictva-f352/zadost-o-schvaleni-vydaje-po-t27254.html21:07
neoklip: di do toho... :]21:08
neoto je 1666 kazdy...21:08
klipza svých 1666 bych na to možná šel, ale nevidím v tom přínos pro stranu jako takovou za ty prachy21:09
neosem tam napsal :D21:11
neo:D http://i.imgur.com/5R8JRVu.gif21:14
-!- tardis [~chatzilla@irc.pirati.cz] has joined #chliv21:20
@blondieJebać https://www.loomio.org/d/MeDFkj0b/zruseni-reg-priznivcu-v-predpisech#_=_21:24
neopodporte zruseni reg.p. v predpisech :D https://www.loomio.org/d/MeDFkj0b/zruseni-reg-priznivcu-v-predpisech#_=_21:24
klipneo: to jakože jen tak procházíš? :D21:36
neoklip: skoleni bude asi pro pasazery co se vezou na lodi jmenem "Piratska strana" a pak vystoupi na dalsi stanici... :]21:36
neo"I see the stars come out tonight"21:37
next_ghostRick Falkvinge na Twitteru: When homosexuality was classified as a disease in Sweden, activists ended that by calling in sick en masse saying they "felt a little gay".22:16
-!- next_ghost [~next_ghos@irc.pirati.cz] has left #chliv []22:33
-!- tardis [~chatzilla@irc.pirati.cz] has quit [Quit: Of all the nine lives I´ve lived, this is the worst.]23:55
--- Log closed Wed Nov 19 00:00:30 2014

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